Eugene, Oregon

Site of the nearby Oregon Country Faire (each July) where each year hippies gather to celebrate their hippiness. Home to the University of Oregon, many co-operatives, communes galore, a real cool Saturday Market, and eco-consciousness.

UPDATE: I wanted to let you know that the Oregon Country Fair WAS a wonderful hippy flavor type hang-out once a year (or often if you know the old owners). Well, the new owners are a little different now. They now let cops in undercover and not, onto private property to gather local revenue of happy-hippy trippers and such. JUST AN FYI….wouldn’t want any wonderful people to go with the impression that the old hippy extraordinaire still owned and operated the scene!!!

0 thoughts on “Eugene, Oregon

  1. This is the goods…this site is beyond hip, it’s well……..any other site on the planet would be deleting all the posts that aren’t “P.C.” for the site, but the “flames” in the thread just serve as big fat exclamation points saying something very, very right about this place and these people IMHO. I really, really miss Eugene, and Eugenians, and I live in a very wonderous magical place, but it’s just not home….

    OK I’ll leave you alone for a while…..gonna go smoke a bowl and imagine some whirrled peas.

  2. I couldn’t resist, but I must know is downtown Deb still on the air??

    my e mail is

    Gotta dub the Led, er..luv the Dead…….

    Also will buy any and all new or used Graffix bongs, as long as you can ship to C.R . please pack in indica to avoid breakage…!

    Go Big Green, gosta love them Ducks..thems the pure Organic Goodsness…..or Godesslessdesness, or you know how it is ;)))

  3. Damn..the minimum wage in Blue jean is $7+??? I guess there is no inflation LOL!! Or maybe I’m just a really old young man who rememebrs when $4.25 was what it was………BTW If you could edit your posts that would be great I’m not trying to dominate the thread at all, but man, I have been rich and I’ve been poor, and neither one really felt right, but where I live hard labor pays $2.50 and hour and the cost of living is comparable, but what price freedom, here it’s like wherever you go is the top of Spencers Butte, and we don’t war over money, but it’s just not Eugene,,

  4. Hey Dawn Dancing Feather & Jimmyinspace please e mail me if you see this (, I have some questions that I’d like to ask you.

    Many thanks.

  5. i completely disagree with that statement about the Country fair. I went this year, and believe me, there was no shortage of trip-happy hippies. The country fair may have changed, but it is still an wonderful event held every year. I stayed for five days and didn’t once hear about there being police issues

  6. I’ve lived here for 23 years. I’m 48. I raised three kids here. It is a great place for families and outdoor recreation. An hour to the beach. An hour to the mountains…nirvana.

  7. I used to go the the rennassance back in the 70s’ with my friend Lori.
    It was the best 3 days of every summer. From the painted faces and midevel costumes to the hippies dancing near naked with flowers in their hair in the circle near the band. marajuana cookies sold from a wheelbarrel and passing a joint around right out in the open to whoever happened to pass by and wanted to take a hit. Pizza freaks, lulus smoothies, the tribes and the buses. WOW what a ride!

  8. hi there i am a east indian male raised in eugene all my life i am currently 28 years old , my family and i own a business in eugene for the past 28 years so since i was like 2 weeks old ive lived in eugene born in california , i truely miss the old days in eugene when growing up even thou i am a modernist the days when i was in elementry school etc.. eugene spfd was a good place to live now all i see is alot of messed up druggys, alot of racisim so i dont know where yall get that people here are open minded here,also people here are soo shady, and quite anti social i see that alot between the opposite sexes, also id like to add that eugene is sooo anti-business, now a days you see alot of business’s shutting down or new business’s not being able to build in eugene , if nothing else eugene does have alot of beautiful scenery if anyone has anything to add then please do so id love to hear feedback thank you

  9. Well I came across this site to get more info about Eugene, OR but I am very unsure now if this county is of positivity or negativity. I have been considering the possibility of relocation in that county, but now i am confused per the different comments read if this is an area to be cosidered especially to raise a family especially if there is racism, drugs etc… JJ I would like to get information if possible pertaining to your comments. Thank you!

  10. Eugene is NOT what it used to be: a fair and open-minded community that allowed people to be themselves, however or whatever flavor(s) that was.

    I’ve lived in Eugene since 1976 and am about ready to move on. The police (Eugene, Spfld, Lane County) are racist and violent. The wonderful hippy community that I loved when I moved here has been replaced with consumerism and repressive conformity. There is NO diversity in Eugene, and when an other-color business opens, there is NO support given by the “liberal” white upper class that dominates the area.

    It still is beautiful country, the mountains, ocean beaches and high desert nearby, but the area is being overrun with industry belching death pollution and no one seems to really care.


  11. One other thing: The County Fair is now run by a bunch of mercenary capitalists who cave to the local police and turn in their own fairgoers. I went for the first 21 years I was in Eugene and won’t ever go back…there needs to be a Counter-County Fair.

  12. From every other site I have read that Eugene is a wonderful place full of diversity. It has been said that Eugene doesn’t want any drama, so why all the drama on this site? I mean for real, dope is illegal and if you want to do it, go off to some foreign country where it isn’t, or move to Alaska *you aren’t real far*. It seems all anyone does these days is put things down. Police are in force to control the law. It shouldn’t matter what the color of your skin, or your crime. If you did the crime, expect to do the time. Life is what you make it. If you break the law, you get in trouble, if you get caught. A fair should be for everyone. I won’t be taking my seven kids to a fair where there is open drug use, how absurd! Blessings to all.

  13. Amazing -was’nt anyone as grossed-out by that old lech greg-whatever from canada (the never-married loser who charmingly described himself as a good-looking “owner of middle-aged prick”, which is, excuse me, asn oxymoron)as I was?What the hell is it with these dirty old men who are actually proud of the fact, and what sort of bimbo would touch these dirtbags?Just a thought, Eugene-progressives.I hope those 18 to 20 babes kick the ever-loving crap out of your tired old ass, gregster.

  14. For those of you considering moving here:

    I’ve lived in Eugene all of my life, and while yes, the ownership of the fair has changed, it’s still a wonderful thing. In fact, it’s a wonderful town.

    If you’re thinking of raising kids here, be warned, though. The school system is steadily going downwards due to underfunding. The classrooms are crowding and it is growing harder and harder for a child to succeed.

    The thing that must be noted about Eugene/Springfield schools is that while they recieve little funding, the teachers are dedicated and the school district/ESD does it’s best to make due with the small amount of money it is given.

    For example, South Eugene is a wonderful liberal Highschool with excellent teachers. Thought the classes are crowded, the students are very enthusiastic about fundraisers.

    If you are not quite reassured with the school system, then give Marist Highschool a try. It is private, Catholic, and (regretfully) highly conservative. However, the school’s Human Rights Alliance is amazing, and has attended the Oregon Peacemakers Conferance for the past several years. In my stay at Marist, I was active in it, and it is a great way to get in contact with fellow liberals. Currently, the Human Rights Alliance is working on Gay/Straight relationships at the school, which is, as a whole, very homophobic.

    Despite those negative things, though, the education is wonderful. The Honors Geometry/Honors Pre-cal/Calculus math teacher is the best I have seen, and the AP History teacher gives wonderful lectures. The Sophomore Lit and movie crit teacher heads the Human Rights alliance, and the new Theater director is fast on the way to putting Marist Theater on the map. The religion classes, though rather close-minded, make excellent study hall periods. XD

    Next year, a new public liberal arts school will be opening in Springfield, which, contrary to popular belief, is not a slummy as it has been rumored to be (I live on the Eugene/Springfield border, and my family is close with the new Springfield City Manager’s.) In fact, the new and aformentioned city manager of Springfield is helping with the economic change, and Springfield, particularly in housing and property, is slowly but surely surpassing Eugene, which has already reached it’s borders.

    Eugene and Springfield are crisscrossed by an intricate and wonderful series of bikepaths, that are contsantly being updated and can get you anywhere in town that is not already being reached by bus. The library is wonderful, and the recently redone Eugene and Springfield bus-stations are amazing. The Eugene one is large and wonderfully designed, and the Springfield one is beautifully landscaped and eco-friendly.

    The Fifth Street Market and Saturday market are also wonderful aspects of Eugene, and I spend my Saturdays at the Saturday market, eating the marvelous Pad Thai and enjoying fresh raspberrys from the Farmers market.

    All in all, despite some changes, Eugene is a wonderful place to live, and I highly recommend it.

  15. The country fair is a good hippyish place but it´s definately falling to capitalism. I saw multiple booth owners driving in with non-functional lexus suv´s, where´d the love go with that shat

  16. Capitalism is the dominant and only rational form of economic distribution known to man. Anyone who thinks the CF hasn’t been capitalistic is mistaken. Anytime you barter for something, you are practicing capitalistm. Anytime you agree to pay “fiat” money for any product or service, you are practicing capitalism. You have a vote! You may (and will) vote with your hard-earned dollars. If the product or service meets your critieria, you buy it. If it doesn’t, you don’t buy and send your dollars elsewhere. Get real people. Quit being idealistic and realize that Ayn Rand was right.

  17. Do some thing good for the Area you live in, Plant a tree or do some hippy work that help people ect. there are many things u can do you can do to help you comunity, keep it hippie,stay away from corporations if you dont like them, hang around hippie style coffee house, Arts and crafts, Eny body in here like Arts and Crafts, what kinda arts and crafts do u Guys like ?

  18. i’m coming to eugene on the 22nd and need help finding a place to stay or camp. i plan on working and have several job leads already. i’m a 24 year old male who’s just lookin’ for a fresh start. any help would be great.j peace to all

  19. The Oregon Country Fair is a fantastic festival, full of wonderful art, music, food, and people. As for the problem with the heat, there is so many people at the fair that it would be hard for them to bust you, and if you are still worried wander across the street to the Darling Family Reunion, where is a little more laid back.

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