Grand Rapids, Michigan

is a cool place to be. Here resides Another Shakedown Street, Purple East, Little Bohiemia, Raven Nest, Spirit Dreams, Scavenger Hunt, Flashbacks, and tons of other shops, restaurants. There is a large percentage of hippies in different parts of the cities. Easttown is one of them and the NW side of GR. No be-ins, but its nice.

0 thoughts on “Grand Rapids, Michigan

  1. GR, Michigan…hhmm….where to begin, well I live here, have lived here for roughly two years. Where I live is not the greatest. But going downtown is the best experience you can ever have in this town. There are little hole in the wall places that are hard to find but awesome to hang out at. Two of them downtown are Skelleones and the Liquid Room, both are coffee houses/music cafes. You’ll find, on any given night, an ecclectic group of people listening to all kinds of music. Downtown GR and Easttown have two great festivals every year. Downtown has festival of the arts, very diverse and laid back. Easttown hosts a street fair….in my opinion the best festival of any kind I’ve ever been to! The music was great, the people were friendly and the food was excellent.

  2. i’m from northern michigan.. traverse city area. And It seems there are no other like minded people in the area except for a few close friends of mine. Im looking for a place nearby.. good festivals, peace rallies, etc. any ideas?

  3. Surely you must be jesting about GR being a hippy haven. If you search hard, you can find alternative film at the art center and a veg. restaurant, but…this is still a HIGHLY conservative, backwards-thinking, capitalist-loving kinda town.

    Recent headlines include police harassing a bicyclist and peace demonstrators, a knock-down drag-out fight over changing a street name to honor MLK Jr, union-busting by the Public Museum, enthusiastic support for the dove-hunting bill. You get the idea.

    No WAY is this a hippy haven. rotfl!

  4. hello peace lovers since you guys are all druggies… i was wondering if any of you have any tips on how to break into the drug world. i aspire to one day be a crack dealer… i mean have any of you ever done that shit… i wanna do it but i dont know how to hit the pipe???? please help! i am interested in needles too!! contact:

  5. fuck you lilly your a little slutty bitch that goes to union high school…. and fuck you talon start your shit with me ill be waiting……………

  6. i may not be able to comment, as i am not a member and have no affiliations and this whole conversation happened about a year ago- BUT….
    if there is still any hope for a response?
    i live NEAR-ISH to GR ( in an even more conservative/ bible-huggin’ area) and i also must say that this whole damn area is no place for “hippies” or “tree-huggers” BUT i must say that i have forever been grateful for and loved shakedown…and scavenger hunt kicks my royal ass—IF it’s still in business (although, my cheap-ass would hope for smaller price tags—eventhough they are very reasonable having lived in bigger cities…)
    BUT, yes, if you are looking for more liberal-minded folk—you CAN find them in this bible-belt of the north (IF you look hard enough) or you can go to ann arbor or some other place…and it is still not COMMONPLACE to find liberal-minded///non-capitalistic//free-thinking individuals…but, then again, with the state of the union—damn if you can go anywhere but [for example- san fran] to find kind, like-mided folk…it is 2005, now, people! and others just don’t give a rat’s ass anymore. sucks- but it’s true!
    well, go to shakedown and buy some shit—cuz we gotta keep the OTHER ones in business!!!

  7. I am new to Michigan and I’m just looking for some hippie festivals. Where I came from we had one called Schwagstock where there were bands all weekend, drugs everywhere, vendors, and lots of nature. I was wondering if there was anything like that up here

  8. I live just outside of grand rapids, and while if you don’t know where you ar looking, you maynot think there are very many hippies, but there really are. i know quite a few in the northern kent county area.

  9. Try the Wheatlans Music Festival in Remus MI. Its not all about Drugs!!! (sorry) Its about a bunch of hippies getting together to enjoy the traditional arts and have a good time.

  10. You have to be kidding me. The hookah lounge could be the most pathetic place around. Lets all get together and smoke some. Hello the 60’s is over. Last time I checked Michigan was not the middle east either

  11. That is the most closed minded thing I have ever heard. The Hooha Lounge is a great idea. You can learn alot from the past, and bringing some more culture to the area can’t hurt.

  12. yo mookie wheatland fu*c*ing rocks out hardcore i love that place man i’ve been going for 6 years in a row and i volunteer there ever year it’s alsome o yeah the hookah lounge is sweet too. smoking is the only way to get away from the way the world has turned out. it’s about escapeing to a better world a world that u have made a way to say f *c* you bush and take ur oil with u.

  13. HEY HIPPIES – if you like the Grateful Dead and music of the jam band genre go and check out the Gruv Unit – they play at the Intersection every Tuesday night around 10:00pm — its free if your 21+ if your under 21 it is only $3.00.

  14. wheatland fest is coming up soon, if you have never been, try to make it ,and if you have, then you allready know. pray for good weather.9/8-9-10. see you there.
    happy weatland

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