The Gulf Islands B.C. Canada

Particularly Gabriola, Hornby and Cortes. Enchanted, laid-back, new-age.

Hornby Island does in fact have hippies. However, the island has become overcrowded and increasingly slick and commercial. Not so “groovy” now.

Cortes Island, which is rather remote and is a pleasant looking place, was inundated by marine radiation dumps from government ships about 30 years ago before pollution regulations were enforced. Many people on this island have developed cancer as a result of this, including the majority of the local police department who regularly patrol the area. Under no conditions, would I ever choose to live there, as a hippy.

Ness Creek, Saskatchewan, Canada

Situated in the beautiful Boreal forest, this is a beautiful place where time means nothing. There is a folk festival there every summer. Basically you just hang out all day with wonderful people and besides the hippie generation there is the kids-of-the-hippies-who are-now-too-old-to-party-properly-so-now-we-have-to-generation. (that would be me.) There are 3 different places to camp out. One is for the music people and it is near main stage. The other is for the party people and it is further along. Finally there there is a “quiet field” where they hope most people will be considerate enough to quiet down for the people who don’t want too mush noise. IT’s perfect and i love it!